All posts by superadmin

Marking Child Care Affordable

Childcare Subsidy

At Oz Education, we are committed to providing cheaper child care services at an affordable cost to all families. From 10 July 2023, if yo


Oz Education Cares

Oz Education Biggest Morning Tea

Oz Education Campsie raised $1425 for the Australian Cancer Council this year to show those experiencing cancer that we care.  The centre


Preschool Fee Savings

Preschool Fees NSW Start Strong

All Oz Education Early Learning Centres are approved for the NSW Government’s 2023 Start Strong for Long Day Care Program. This mean


Oz Education Early Learning Centres is now in Lake Cathie

Oz Education

Oz Education Early Learning Centres has opened a new centre on a beautiful one-acre piece of land in the seaside town of Lake Cathie on th


Oz Education Fairfield to open its doors

Fairfield childcare preschool

Families can look forward to an array of fun activities at our new Fairfield Centre Open Day on Saturday 17 Sept 2022 from 10.0am to 1.00p


Discovering the World through Play

Gardening Experience Early Learning

Children learn more about their surrounding world when they understand how it came to be. Today on National Tree Day, our early learners e


Starting school with confidence

Starting school is a big change for a little child. So how can parents help support their children and make their transition to school eas


Discovering the Importance of Anzac Day

Learnning about Anzac Day at Oz Education

In the lead up to Anzac Day, Oz Education children learnt about its significance and expanded their knowledge in human, society and its en


Exploring how to care for the world on Earth Day

Oz Education celebrates World Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! Today, our children got busy with fun Earth Day activities that bring together art, science, music and creative art. They


Five tips for boosting your child’s immunity

Boost child immunity start childcare

One of the many challenges that face young families is the need to strengthen their immunity. To help you, here are five tips for boosting
