Oz Education Homebush is now open

Oz Education Homebush is now open. Families can look forward to an array of fun activities at Oz Education Homebush Centre Fun Open Day on Saturday 4 August 2018 from 10.0am to 1.00pm at Suite 1, Building 1/81-86 Courallie Ave, Homebush West.

Our Centre Director Belinda Aliaga and friendly educators will be available to talk with families about our long daycare and preschool programs on offer, and families will be able to tour our facilities.

Homebush Open DayLittle ones can look forward to lots of fun activities including:

  • Petting zoo
  • Balloon twisting
  • Face painting
  • Art and craft activities
  • Outdoor games
  • Sausage sizzle
  • Drinks and Fruits
  • Guided play at our nursery, toddler and preschool rooms

Our new Homebush Centre aims to create exceptional early learning experiences for children of all ages.

“Our early childhood programs are tailored to suit every child’s individual needs, interests and strengths. We also offer extended learning opportunities to develop numeracy and literacy by incorporating school readiness program into our Advantage Preschool Program in a fun way,” says Mrs Aliaga who was the previous Centre Director at our Belfield Centre.

“Throughout the year, children love having the opportunity to participate in our extra curricular activities, including dance, sports and language where they can develop new skills that help them blossom into engaged and confident learners.”

We offer plenty of play-based learning activities including sustainability, science, art and music projects. We also run community events where every child can develop their social skills and take pride in being active citizens in their local community.”

The centre also organises a number of multicultural events to create a sense of belonging and respect amongst our community, including cultural celebrations which provide a rich and diverse experience for children and their families.

For more information or to book a private tour before the Open Day, call us at 1300 644 125 or book a tour.