Advantage Preschool Program

Downward stroke letters, clockwise letters, anticlockwise letters, lunchbox term, life skills focus… Sound familiar?


That’s right! These elements make up just some of the exciting aspects of Oz Education’s Advantage Preschool Program.

With a customised student workbook, yearly timetable based on NSW Primary School handwriting order, and a term of life skills focus at the end of each year, we offer our in-house preschool program each and every day. H for handwashing

Here’s a sneak peak of an excerpt from our workbook – with letter formation practice, we add in an opportunity for learning that links to our EYLF Outcomes or National Quality Standard.

This example demonstrates the potential learning that can stem from intentional teaching – ‘h is for hand washing’; these activities encourage children to discuss, question and inquire about the pictures they see, leading to educational experiences each day. EYLF element 3.2.10 – ‘Children show increasing independence and competence in personal hygiene, care and safety for themselves and others’ brings each child’s strong sense of wellbeing into everyday practice through genuine learning and embedded goals Portfoliosfor educators and children to work towards over the course of the preschool year. This is just one example of how our the basics of writing practice forms a foundation for an extended learning curriculum.

The preschool portfolios, as records of each child’s progress and development, showcase the valuable learning that occurs across the preschool year. With a combination of children’s work samples, memorable photographs, educational record contributions and links to our Early Years Learning Framework outcomes, these portfolios make a great keepsake for many years to come to share with your child and family.

lunchboxLunchbox practice kicks off in Term 4 during our Life Skills focus term, where pre-schoolers can bring in their own lunch or afternoon tea to practice their fine motor abilities and independence. Children love this time of the year where they get used to opening and closing lunch boxes, cooler bags, ziplock bags, lids, and more! This is also a wonderful time to be super enthusiastic about healthy eating, safe items to pack in relation to temperature, and enjoying great food with friends.

CupcakesInstaAs the year progresses, the graduation party is always the highlight of the preschool end of year celebrations. With an exciting lead up to graduation day, our preschoolers practice the ceremony of receiving their certificates, photos and portfolios… and they never forget about the graduation cake!

If you’d like to join in and get the advantage before primary school, contact us via our Enrol page to submit an enquiry for further information.