Preschool Fee Savings

All Oz Education Early Learning Centres are approved for the NSW Government’s 2023 Start Strong for Long Day Care Program. This means families can enrol their eligible children on our Preschool Program and save up to $2110 on fees, which could translate to 2 days of free preschool days depending on your childcare subsidy rate.

Preschool Fees NSWThe Start Strong program is part of the NSW Government’s $1.3 billion Affordable Preschool initiative aimed at providing children over 4 years with access to quality early learning while reducing financial stress for their families.

Is my family eligible?

Families with children aged 5 years old or turning 4 years old on 31 July 2023, enrolled in any Oz Education early learning centres will save up to $2,110 a year. This will be in addition to Australian Government Child Care Subsidy payments, which our families are eligible to receive.

How much will my family save on preschool fees each week?

Our centres will spread the $2,110 annual fee relief across the total number of weeks that they are open for the year and apply it as a reduction in your child’s weekly fees.

For example, if your centre is open 52 weeks a year, you will receive a reduction of up to  $40.57 per week.

The fee relief will be passed on to your centre as a weekly reduction to your session or gap fee (after the Child Care Subsidy has been applied),

The reduced preschool fee will be shown to you in a regular invoice or statement from the service.

When will my family receive the reduction in preschool fees?

Your family will receive the fee relief immediately on the first week when your child starts preschool. If your child is already enrolled in the program, your child will receive the payments backdating to 2 Jan 2023.

Is the fee relief means tested?

No, the fee relief is not means tested. It is in addition to and will not impact on your Child Care Subsidy payments provided by the Australian Government. You will still need to pay any gap fees remaining after the Child Care Subsidy and fee relief have been applied.

What happens if my child starts later in the year?

If your child starts later in the year, your weekly savings on preschool fees do not change. Our centre will spread the fee relief across the number of weeks that they are open and apply for the fee relief as a reduction to weekly fees for your child.

For example: If your centre is open 52 weeks a year, they will pass on up to $40.57 in fee relief each week. If your child enrols in a long day care service in June, then they will receive fee relief of up to $40.57 from the week your child’s enrolment starts at that long day care service.

What happens if my child is sick and does not attend the service for the day?

The fee relief is linked to enrolment not attendance. So if your child is sick and is unable to attend on one of their enrolled days, your weekly fee relief amount remains unchanged. You will still receive the reduced preschool fee.

Is my family eligible for fee relief from other preschools?

Families can only access fee relief from one eligible service at any given time.

This means if your child attends a preschool program at another long day care service or community preschool, you will need to nominate which service you will receive your fee relief from. You will need to complete a declaration and consent form and your Centre Director will help you do this. Please contact our Family Service Team at 1300 644 125 for more information.

Why do families love Oz Education Preschool Program?

The Oz Education Advantage Preschool Program has helped children across NSW to achieve a successful transition to school for over 40 years. Our preschool program has a strong focus on building your child’s capability and confidence to learn, equipped with school-ready skills for a great start at school and beyond.

  • a broad-based curriculum that engages preschoolers with different interests, enhancing their capability and confidence in learning
  • STEM-certified centres that offer hands-on inquiry-based learning in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
  • qualified and inspiring early childhood teachers and educators who prepare fun experiences based on curriculum goals for each child
  • Our Advantage Preschool Workbook provides personalized learning that improves learning outcomes
  • Our Advantage Preschool Timetable to achieve weekly learning goals in reading, number and letter recognition and handwriting skills
  • Award-winning Math and Reading programs that reward maths and reading skills that underlie later school and career success
  • Our Advantage Preschool Life Skills program prepares your child to become socially confident and physically independent to engage in learning in a formal school setting.
  • Learning experiences are documented in a Digital Learning Portfolio to aid parent-teacher reviews
  • Enriching Dance and MultiSports classes to build amazing skills that let your child shine with confidence at school
  • Early Healthcare teaches healthy habits and provides free dental and eyesight assessments to keep your child in optimum health for learning
  • Transition to School Information Sessions to support the school selection and transition process

Preschool places at our centres are limited. To secure a place, enquire now or call our Family Service Team on 1300 644 125.

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