School Transition Information

2Starting school is an important milestone in your child’s life. Oz Education supports our families on the journey as they prepare their children for school. Our Early Learning Centres recently held School Transition Information Evenings for parents with children who are eligible to start school next year.

The information sessions provided our families with clear information on what is expected in Kindergarten and how to adjust easily to a formal school setting. They met with principals and teachers from local primary schools and heard about how they can prepare their children for school to make starting school an enjoyable experience. Many of the teachers also outline the skills they think are important for a successful transition to Kindergarten.

“Oz Education provides a quality Preschool Program that helps children from ages 3 years to 6 years old prepare for school. We offer a wide range of fun learning experiences to help your child develop new skills at each stage of their development,” says Belinda Aliaga, Centre Director of our new Homebush centre.

“We also offer a balanced early education program comprising Art, Music, Sports, Dance, Language and Science to give your child a great head start. Your child will have access to award-winning MathSeeds and Reading Eggs programs to develop early maths and literacy skills and reach their potential.”

In the final year of the Preschool Program, our preschoolers commence a Handwriting program based on the NSW curriculum and timetable. They also learn important school readiness skills including socio-emotional, physical and cognitive skills to boost their confidence and independence.

Parents’ involvement is crucial to their child’s progress. At Oz Education, parents are welcome to volunteer for reading sessions. They are also given access to an online app and digital portfolios to track the progress of their children.

School Transition Information Pack

Do you need more information about our Preschool Program and how to prepare your child for school? We’re here to help. Call us on 1300 644 125 or book a tour today.

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